2022 Course Design Institute

June 6-23, 2022

Via D2L Brightspace and Zoom (invitation sent to all registrants)

Register for this event at https://ihcc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5cH2CrFTlRyAvmS



The Third Annual Course Design Institute will feature faculty sharing their own courses, talking about what they have learned while teaching online (synchronously, asynchronously, hybrid, and hyflex), and what online elements they plan to keep in place as they transition back to instruction on campus. The Institute will be delivered in a flexible format again this year, giving participants the option of joining synchronously, asynchronously, or accessing a full archive of the Institute and materials after it ends on June 23.

All registrants will receive access to the D2L course shell housing this year’s Course Design Institute, where they will be able to access synchronous sessions and participate in real time. Each session includes a Q&A component and the CDI will provide other opportunities for faculty participants to engage with their colleagues as well as with session content.

Full Program


Date Time Presenter Session Title Session Description Delivery Mode
June 6 12:45-1:00 Matt Boudinot, Ellen Lansky, and Martin Springborg Institute Welcome A welcome message from faculty representing DCTC’s Faculty Development Committee and IHCC’s Teaching and Technology Committee, as well as staff representing the DCTC/IHCC Center for Teaching and Learning. Online synchronous
June 6 1:00-1:30 Ellen Lansky Using Announcements and Checklists in D2L In this session, I will discuss the various ways I’ve used Checklists and Announcements for course navigation and student success in online and hybrid courses. Online synchronous
June 6 2:00-2:30 Matt Boudinot Exploring Immersive Learning Resources In this session, I plan to cover immersive technologies that can help in the classroom. Some of these technologies will include using the 360 degree camera, augmented reality, and other technologies I have found engaging to students. Online synchronous
June 7 9:00-9:30 Carie Statz Reaching for Quality Matters Quality Matters is the global organization leading quality assurance in online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments. Find out how a DCTC course was reviewed by panel of a reviewers to improve on the overall student learning experience. Online synchronous
June 7 10:00-10:30 Lisa DuRose Getting to Know You: Using First Week Student Questionnaires and Peer Advice to Build Trust The first week of the semester is a crucial time for creating atmosphere. In my face to face classes, I would devote the first week to getting to know my students and establishing an atmosphere of community and trust. It’s not easy to create this same environment in an online course, but some tools have helped me establish connections. In this session, I will discuss how using student questionnaires and incorporating previous students’ advice have helped me build trust and provide support. Online synchronous
June 8 9:00-9:30 Kathy Paukert HTML Templates Learn how to use HTML templates in Brightspace D2L to streamline and organize your course. I will demonstrate how to build your syllabus, and show other template options. Online synchronous
June 8 2:00-2:30 Julie Nelson Contract Grading: The Good, The Better, and The Rest In Fall of 2021 I went completely gradeless in all of my composition and literature courses, instituting a Labor Contract grading system, based on the work of Asao B. Inoue: “[U]sing conventional classroom grading of essays and other work to compute course grades often leads students to think more about acquiring grades than about their writing or learning; to worry more about pleasing a teacher or fooling one than about figuring out what they really want to learn, or how they want to communicate something to someone for some purpose.” In this session, I’ll share stories of my experience with this system in Fall semester, the adjustments I made in Spring 2022, and what I’m hoping to improve next! Online synchronous
June 9 1:00-1:30 Deanna Green Mastery Based Learning in Introduction to Statistic I will share how I implemented Mastery Based Learning in my Introduction to Statistics course.  We will talk about the intervention loop, how a student enters the intervention loop and what actions are taken are taken to get the student back on the right track.  We will also take a look at a lab assignment that I redesigned using the TILT framework. Online synchronous
June 9 2:00-2:30 Scott Sandok Keeping the Focus: Intelligent Agents, Checklists, and Videos Helping students get organized means recognizing that our course is only one component of a complex schedule. Beyond having consistent routines (such as consistent due dates), using the functionality within D2L Brightspace can reduce student stress and increase engagement.

Checklists with visuals, providing additional resources, and making a space for feedback are presented weekly. Using the D2L due dates rather than listing them within an announcement allows students to see their calendars across multiple courses and plan accordingly. Reminders of missing work before the due date by using intelligent agents help reduce missing work and ensure expectations of the course. Videos with animations and occasional sight gags help to keep attention.

Explore some of the tools I’ve found effective; perhaps you will find value too!

Online synchronous
June 13 1:00-1:30 Erin Manthey Pandemic Lessons to Hold On To These are just three things that I started doing because the pandemic made me and now realize I enjoy doing and won’t soon leave behind.
*Using cam scanner to submit worksheets and grade via d2l.
*Nearpod Interactivity in
*Modified Flipped classroom approach
Online synchronous
June 14 1:00-1:30 Carrie Naughton What worked? This session will go through some of the new things I tried during remote learning that worked, and what I plan to keep using while transitioning back to in person. Learn how I used video lectures, group work, D2L tools, office hour check-ins, and study skills activities to help build community and engagement both online and in person. Online synchronous
June 14 2:00-2:30 Wes Jorde Improving Student Understanding and Engagement Our incoming students have known less and less about how school works and have become more and more disengaged as the pandemic has progressed. I will demonstrate how one can respond to these trends by emphasizing outcomes and by offering activities that encourage self-expression. Online synchronous
June 15 1:00-1:30 Sadie Pendaz-Foster Using D2L Discussions during Synchronous Zoom Breakout Sessions I used different features to try to maximize time and efficiency during Zoom sessions by utilizing D2L discussions and encouraging students to use this as a resource for storing the work for future assignments as well. It helped to provide a resource so that they didn’t have to go back-and-forth during the Zoom session to materials that were on PowerPoint or to take pictures of content to move that into the discussions they were having. Online synchronous
June 16 1:00-1:30 Paul Wegner Using VoiceThread as a Student Discussion Tool Learn the practical steps of working with VoiceThread. During this session I will share how VoiceThread was used for students to share their photographs with the class and for peer to peer discussion. I will also review some of the practical steps I took to improve its functionality in my class. Online synchronous
June 16 2:00-2:30 James Kolles Remote Group Work and Engagement! Increasing group work engagement using non subject social questions, asynchronous flipped lectures, Zoom annotation tools and Teams. Online synchronous
June 21 1:00-1:30 Crist Siebenaler DCTC AUTM2218 Engine Fundamentals I plan to present on my D2L set-up for my engine fundamentals class. Showing how to link all worksheets and power points, as well as how I set up my content. Online synchronous
June 21 2:00-2:30 Lisa Tracy Drawing Them In: Storytelling with Drawing and Acting in Video Lectures Storytelling in the sciences? Using OneNote, Wacom tablet, and Camtasia, I draw concepts piece by piece, encouraging students to think and predict along the way, all while being careful not to give away the ending! As I transitioned to online teaching, one strategy was to preserve my story style with video lectures that capture facial expressions, body movements, and hand-drawn diagrams and notes. After research and experimentation, I settled on:

1) OneNote as drawing and writing software. Pro: build a hand drawn diagram and note set, then share with students easily.
2) Wacom One tablet as stylus surface. Pro: see canvas clearly and write/draw precisely.
3) Camtasia as recording software. Pro: While challenging at first, it gives freedom to edit post-recording (I’m down to 10 min editing per hour of content). I can easily switch to a full screen show of my body as I act out red blood cell oxygen delivery or macrophages eating bacteria, then switch back to a full screen diagramming with facial recording inset as we record the concept in our notes. Also works well to integrate iPEVO document camera for lab demonstrations such as sheep heart dissection or blood typing experiment.

Online synchronous
June 22 1:00-1:30 Christine Petrich Using Voicethread in Online and Hybrid Courses Want to make online content more engaging and like an in-person classroom? Voicethread is a great tool that allows for asynchronous discussions and presentations that provide the benefits of in person education with the flexibility of asynchronous discussion and conversation. Online synchronous
June 22 2:00-1:30 Anthony Collins Collins’ College of Useful Knowledge: What Worked and a Lot that Didn’t I taught on our very barren campus all of 2021-2022. It was remarkably UNLIKE teaching precovid, although I picked up a few things along the way.

Let’s have yet another zzzoooom and enjoy the fruits of our knowledge about teaching (usually) high school students how to be college students in a campus class.

Online synchronous
June 23 1:00-2:30 Harold Torrence Closing Session: Sustaining Student Success During Global Crisis To create a more inclusive learning environment, I changed my online teaching practice to enhance opportunities for oral culture learners opportunities to succeed in my courses. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to offer student-centered and more personable experiences has been heightened. I knew that a passive and print-culture approach to teaching was not going to work. Having traditional discussion posts and lectures was not going to be enough.

I had previously delivered many synchronous lectures via Adobe Connect and Zoom. However, I used this time to lecture, which was a more passive and less interactive way of learning. I decided to prerecord the majority of my lectures and use a more interactive time to engage students, flipping the classroom and using breakout rooms in Zoom.

All of a sudden, I was able to find lively discussions and activate learning. More introverted students were able to find their voices talking to peers in a more private setting and extroverts were able to share their perspective in the larger virtual classroom. The level of engagement online resembled the hybrid delivery for the first time…

Online HyFlex