
Course Merge Request Instructions

Faculty can now request that their course sections be automatically combined using Course Merge Request located on the D2L Navigation bar: When you click the Course Merge Request link, you will be directed to the following screen. Ensure your institution is selected and then click the My Courses button: Locate your...

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Tech Tip: Creating a Synchronous Quiz

This tech tip is about setting a synchronous quiz.  A synchronous quiz allows all students to start and finish a quiz at the same time.  The timer will end the quiz at the deadline, regardless of when the student logged in.  For example, when you schedule a one-hour quiz starting...

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Tech Tip: Pin an Announcement

You can now pin an announcement to the top of your Announcements widget.  Pinning an announcement keeps important information visible to students throughout the semester. Multiple announcements can be pinned, but the most recently pinned message will appear at the top of your list.    From the Announcements widget:  Select the...

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Changing Course Banner Text

This Tech tip shows you how to change the text in your course homepage banner. This can serve as a tool for engaging students’ attention whenever they log in to the course. Changing the text of the homepage banner will not affect the title of the course since the title...

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Tech Tip: The New Discussion Experience

This tech tip highlights changes made to the layout of the discussion tool during the April 2023 D2L Brightspace release. These changes were made to bring consistency to the creation and editing experience of discussions. 1) Within the Discussion tool, you have the ability to toggle between the old and...

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Tech Tip: Sending a Chat in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a dynamic tool that combines file sharing, web conferencing, chat, and more. Faculty are beginning to use this tool as part of their online teaching strategy, especially in those disciplines that use a cohort model. You can even use Teams to collaborate with people outside of Minnesota...

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