Tech Tip: Restore a Deleted Quiz

This tech tip shows how to restore a quiz that was deleted from a course in D2L Brightspace. From your course homepage navigation bar: 1. Click Assessments > from the dropdown menu select Quizzes 2. Ensure Manage Quizzes is selected: 3. Click More Actions, then select Restore 4. From the...

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Requesting LTI Integrations

The purpose of this tech tip is to explain the process of requesting a publisher integration for your online course. An LTI integration is used when you want your students to access another piece of software as part of your course, without logging out of D2L Brightspace. The following is...

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New Quiz Creation Experience

The purpose of this tech tip is to introduce the new layout of the quiz tool in D2L.  Currently, you have the ability to opt-in to use the new experience or opt-out and use the old experience. The advantage of using the New Quiz Creation Experience is that you can...

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