The Faculty Resource Bulletin is one of many steps we’re taking to improve communication about local and statewide faculty professional development information and opportunities. Please visit our Faculty Resources sites (see links in the header of this blog) for more information as well as past Bulletins.
Highlights of this week’s Bulletin include:
- From Your Colleagues: Using Zoom for Student Feedback
- Equity and Inclusion Roundtables
- Academic Technology Innovation Funds Available
- Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom
- Events and Development Opportunities
- On Campus (Workshops and Drop-in Webinars)
- Other Opportunities (System and State)
From Your Colleagues: Using Zoom for Student Feedback
Wes Jorde, philosophy faculty at DCTC, has been using Zoom to provide feedback to students on written assignments in his online courses. This form of feedback allows students to hear his voice, an important factor in reducing student stress levels as they receive the feedback. It also allows them to review the verbal feedback, written annotations, and transcripts as many times as they like.
Watch Wes demonstrate this practice in this Zoom recording:
Equity and Inclusion Roundtables
Race, Civility, and Cultural Norms
Friday, February 14
10:00-11:30 (IHCC)
1:00-2:30 (DCTC)
Teaching in Multi-Generational Classrooms
Friday, April 3
10:00-11:30 (IHCC)
1:00-2:30 (DCTC)
We are excited to be offering these two opportunities for faculty to share effective teaching methods across disciplines. Each session will featured a guest facilitator, who will open the topic and provide a broad perspective on the topic. Faculty will then facilitate the discussion toward a deeper understanding of how the topics play out in the classroom.
Our hope is that these informal discussions result in a deeper understanding of our diverse student body. See the events calendar for more information, including location as well as guest and faculty facilitators for each session.
Academic Technology Innovation Funds Available
In collaboration with Todd Jagerson and ITS, the Teaching and Technology Committee at IHCC and Faculty Development Committee at DCTC are pleased to announce new funding to support faculty innovation in the use of technology in teaching and learning contexts.
Both committees have set processes for requesting these funds, with a focus on ease of faculty access, accountability for their use (for teaching and learning), and obtaining information required to make purchases.
Please send requests for funding to (IHCC) (DCTC). Requests should include a brief introduction as well as the following:
- Basic information about the technology being requested, including manufacturer, cost, and subscription information or quote if applicable.
- A connection to at least one learning outcome from your course(s) that will benefit from the technology being requested.
- Some information about where you found the technology (through a colleague, at a conference, etc.).
DCTC Only:
- Note any matching funds for the request, from a department or program.
Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom
February 17 – March 23
Cornell University’s Center for Teaching Innovation is offering a massive open online course (MOOC) for educators, Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom, which guides instructors in exploring frameworks and strategies for building and sustaining inclusive learning environments. The course runs from February 17 – March 23, 2020 on
U.S.-based and higher-education-centered, the five-week course is for anyone with teaching responsibilities, at any level of diversity expertise. Registration for the course is open now.
The course features:
- compelling voices and stories from students and faculty
- opportunities to reflect on social identity, both your own and students’
- an introduction to key research on inclusion and student-centered learning
- an emphasis on assessing your own course design through the lens of inclusion
- a learning community guide to help form a cohort at your institution.
The course is free to attend, or there is an option to earn a certificate (for a $49 fee).
Meet our instructors and learn about the course in an introductory video.
Please get in touch with questions at
Events and Development Opportunities
On Campus
We have a lot planned this semester! We kicked things off with a half-day “Brightspace Refresher Camp” at DCTC. This training covered basic and advance tools, as well as recent updates made to email and other functions. If you couldn’t join us, you can access slides and handouts from the Faculty Resources site: Click on the dropdown menu for “Brightspace Refresher Camp”.
We’re introducing “First Friday Workshops” – workshops offered at a standing, predictable time throughout the academic year. This semester, we will be focusing on student engagement in online courses. Series workshops will address the following topics:
- Humanizing Your Online Course (Feb 7)
- Engaging Students with Alternative Forms of Feedback (March 6)
- Creating Videos and Using Them Effectively (April 3)
- Online Course Design for Student Engagement (May 1)
See our Events Calendar for times and locations of all First Friday Workshops.
We will also continue to offer “Drop-in Webinars” – opportunities to participate in live webinars with your faculty colleagues and have discussions afterwards. We host most online opportunities/webinars in our space (Fine Arts 270 at IHCC and 2-141C at DCTC). Consider participating with your faculty colleagues and join a discussion afterwards. . See our Events Calendar for a full Drop-in Webinar schedule and watch for announcements of these opportunities in your campus email.
Unable to participate in webinars we host on campus? We’re sad you can’t join us, but you can also RSVP from the Events Calendar and participate on your own. Recordings for most webinars can be accessed from the Minnesota State D2L Support SharePoint site. Use your credentials to login. Contact Martin Springborg if you can’t find a recording you’re looking for.
Other Opportunities
See posts under college categories (above and in right navigation) for information on campus Brightspace and course design sessions. View our Events Calendar to see details on these and other campus professional development opportunities.
Quick turnaround needed!
Apply by February 7, 2020
Open Educational Resources (OER) Learning Circles provide faculty, from across the system and from any discipline, the opportunity to collaborate with others committed to redesigning courses, or authoring ancillary materials to help eliminate textbook costs for students.
In addition to virtual weekly meetings, OER Learning Circles will utilize a D2L Brightspace course to support faculty and will take place over a ten-week period. The equivalent of .5 RCE is available to participating faculty.
There are two (2) steps to apply for OER Learning Circles:
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