Peer Review

Would you like some collegial feedback on the design of your online course?

Consider the peer review process.

What is peer review?

Peer review is an entirely optional and confidential collaboration among faculty to ensure that course designs are easily navigable, user-friendly, and align with the course goals.  It’s a review by faculty, but as perceived from the student’s perspective.  Our goal is to provide meaningful, actionable feedback that helps faculty improve their course in a non-judgmental way.

Who will be doing the reviews?

Your fellow faculty will complete the reviews.  Faculty interested in being peer reviewers will be asked to complete a short training that will expose them to the faculty-developed peer review rubric.  Training will also be provided to give meaningful, positive, and constructive feedback to fellow faculty. A stipend will be provided for those who choose to participate as a peer reviewer. 

What this means to you

We’re looking for faculty to participate on both sides of this process!  We could use your help as a faculty reviewer.  If you’re interested in providing meaningful, constructive feedback, please let us know!  We also are looking for faculty who are interested in improving their course.  Don’t be shy! We want to help!  If interested, please send an email to:

What others have said

Dr. Mary Petrie, IHCC faculty in English, participated in the pilot implementation of this new process.  Mary indicated that the suggestions she obtained were practical, useful, and insightful.  Mary plans on incorporating the feedback into both her current courses and future course designs. See Mary’s video on her experience with the Peer Review process.